About Eureka journals Eureka Journals is initiated by Eureka Publications which is the international publisher publishes Peer Reviewed journals in in the area of science, technology, engineering, medical, art, humanity and management. Eureka Journals is known for its diverse areas of open access journals, true discoveries, quality content and time delivery of journals. It publishes close to 40 academic and professional journals. Eureka Journals are path breaking journals that adopt an open access approach to publication, viewing research as a cooperative enterprise between authors, editors, referees, and readers. Eureka Journals bring the highest quality research to the widest possible audience. Eureka Journals is only the platform of Eureka Publications worldwide which publishes the research over advance topics under diverse fields of science, engineering, technology, management, art and humanities. Eureka journals are accessible worldwide through online mode. Therefore, our journals inventory has been expanding continuously which leads to long term investment in our journals business so that our continued commitment to the academic community, and in particular our society partners and customers, can be fulfilled both now and into the foreseeable future.
Mission Statement: Eureka Publications brings the highest quality research to the widest possible audience. Eureka Publications publishes the research over advance topics under diverse fields of science, engineering, technology, management, art and humanities. Eureka Publications are accessible worldwide through online mode. Therefore, our publications inventory has been expanding continuously which leads to long term investment in our publications business so that our continued commitment to the academic community, and in particular our society partners and customers, can be fulfilled both now and into the foreseeable future. Eureka Publications is devoted to online education and open access publications of journals, theses/dissertations, research posters and presentations. Eureka Publications aims to dissemination advance learning, knowledge and research worldwide using online learning systems and spread, share latest research work using open access publishing systems. Eureka Publications is the international open access publisher which publishes e-journals under the name Eureka Journals in area of science, engineering, technology, management, art and humanities using open access model. Eureka Journals is known for its diverse area of journals, true discoveries, quality content and time delivery. It publishes close to 40 open access academic and professional journals. Eureka Publications also works for societies and institutes partners to ensure the optimum success of e-Education.